Are You Automatically At Fault For A Rear-End Car Accident?

If you hit another car and cause a rear-end accident, you might assume that you will be responsible for the crash. However, this is not necessarily the case. While the vehicle that was following behind is most often responsible for an accident, there are other factors that can be at play.

When a Third Party Is Involved

You might not be held responsible for the accident if another party caused you to rear-end the vehicle in front of you. A good example would be if you were rear-ended and this caused your vehicle to then hit the vehicle in front of you.

When the Other Driver Is at Fault

The driver in front of you might also be held responsible. This might occur if they suddenly slam on the brakes and you are unable to avoid colliding with the vehicle. This is often referred to as "brake checking" and is considered to be a form of aggressive driving. If you are able to prove that the other driver was driving aggressively, they might be liable for damages.

One of the arguments that the other party might make is that you should have maintained enough distance. However, this can be difficult depending on the circumstances. There might simply not be enough space between the other vehicle and your vehicle. This can especially be true when the traffic is very bad.

Drivers who engage in odd behavior can also be held responsible for an accident. For example, if a driver makes a sudden turn and this leads to an accident, the behavior could be the cause of the accident. Also, the driver will be responsible in most cases if they back into your vehicle.

Why Liability Is Important

Determining liability is very important in a car accident because this will determine who will be entitled to compensation. In some cases, more than one party can be at fault and it can be difficult to sort through all of this. Under these circumstances, you will want to work closely with an auto accident attorney who will find out what went wrong and will help you build a solid case for why you deserve compensation. 

How Your Case Will Be Resolved

Once you have grounds for legal action, you will be able to file a lawsuit or settle your case out of court. Your lawyer will discuss with you the pros and cons of each legal action you could possibly take.

Contact a local personal injury lawyer to learn more. 
