When Work Gets Put On Hold Due To A Car Accident
If you've suffered from the effects of a careless driver, you may not be able to work at your job as usual. There are many ways to recover money from as a result of an accident, and work time is one. To learn more, read on.
Will insurance cover lost wages?
Most insurance policies stop short of paying accident victims for the time they've lost from work because of the wreck regardless of who was to blame for the accident. Filing a claim against the other driver's insurance carrier is a quick way to ascertain the possibility of that coverage, however. You will probably find that the only way to be compensated for lost earnings is to file a personal injury claim with a car accident law attorney.
Lost wages and record-keeping
It's important to keep up with all the time you spend taking care of accident-related issues, so keep a notebook nearby and jot down the date, times, and reason for the time off. You are entitled to be reimbursed for a wide variety of reasons, such as time spent:
- In the emergency room and then later if you are admitted to the hospital,
- Healing from your injuries at home,
- Attending to miscellaneous needs like physical therapy and picking up medication from the pharmacy,
- Surgery, doctor's appointments, and diagnostic tests,
- And more.
Lost wages and beyond
While keeping up with the amount of time you lost from work can be quick work, there is another category of lost wages that can be a bit more complicated to calculate. Lost earning capacity refers to not the time you missed from work due to the accident but to the permanent effect the accident may have had on your career in general. Missing out on a promotion or an important client meeting are just two examples of ways that your career might be damaged because of a wreck, and you are entitled to reimbursement for those just like you are for your lost time from work. For those who own their own business or who are self-employed, the losses can go well beyond just a loss of time.
Anytime your career has suffered as a result of a car accident, be it financial or in other ways, you will need personal injury representation. Calculating and advocating for your losses is what these legal specialists do on a daily basis, so place your case in the hands of professional and get what you deserve today.