3 FAQs When It Comes To Child Custody Hearings

If you are in the unfortunate situation of having to go to court to get custody of your child, there are some things you'll want to know in order to prepare. To help you understand how it all works, here are the answers to three frequently asked questions when it comes to child custody hearings.

What Are the Child Custody Laws In My State?

The first thing you'll want to do is familiarize yourself with the child custody law in your state. In most states, the child custody arrangements depends upon what is best for the child and neither parent has preference over the other. Also in some states, joint custody might not be an option if one parent objects to it.

It is important to take the time to understand the child custody law in your particular state. This will help you prepare for your child custody hearing and you'll be able to know which questions to ask your child custody attorney.

What Kinds of Questions Will the Judge Ask?

If you are trying to get custody of your child, you will need to have a child custody hearing in front of a judge. This judge will determine the best type of arrangement for your child. In most instances, you will receive either sole or joint custody of your child. The judge will ask several questions that may include the following:

  • What kind of communication do you have with the other parent?
  • What is your financial situation like?
  • Do you have either a formal or informal custody arrangement already in place?
  • What kind of child custody arrangement would you like to have and why?

In asking these kinds of questions, the judge will be trying to determine what is best for the child.

Which Documents Should I Bring to the Hearing?

You will need to bring certain documents along with you to the child custody hearing. If you are vying for sole custody, you may also need to prove that you are the better parent for your child.

Here are some documents you should bring to the hearing:

  • Phone call logs, e-mails, texts, or anything else that shows you communicate with the child's other parent
  • Visitation logs that prove you spend time with your child
  • Receipts or proof of child support payments that show you care for the needs of your child
  • Your child's records, such as report cards or medical reports, that show how well the child does in your care

Your child custody attorney will help you determine what other types of documents will be helpful for your case.  
